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- 10 rem student quiz generator
- 20 print"[147]":clr:poke53280,16:poke53281,16:poke808,225:poke649,0:s=54727
- 30 dimq$(100),a$(100),b$(100),c$(100),d$(100),e$(100),m$(15),a(100)
- 40 gosub840:print"[147]":printspc(12)" [204][207][193][196][201][206][199][160][196][193][212][193][160][160][160]":print"[144]":gosub390:print""
- 50 forx=1toa:printx". "m$(x):next
- 60 print"[197]nter number of test":poke649,10:inputx
- 70 ifx<1orx>athenprint"invalid range":goto60
- 80 n$=m$(x):poke649,0:open15,8,15:print"[147]":open2,8,2,+n$+" file,s,r"
- 90 print" [204][207][193][196][201][206][199][160]";n$;" [209][213][201][218]":print"[144]"
- 100 x=0
- 110 x=x+1
- 120 input#2,q$(x):input#2,a$(x):input#2,b$(x):input#2,c$(x):input#2,d$(x):input#2,e$(x)
- 130 ifst and64then150
- 140 goto110
- 150 close2:poke198,0:l=x:close15:gosub920:print"[147]"
- 160 rem test routine
- 170 y=1:poke649,10:gosub540
- 180 forn=1tol-1:print"[147]":printtab(20-len(n$)/2);n$
- 190 s$=str$(n)+". "+q$(a(n)):print:gosub450
- 200 rem answer choices
- 210 s$=a$(a(n)):gosub450:s$=b$(a(n)):gosub450:s$=c$(a(n)):gosub450
- 220 s$=d$(a(n)):gosub450:s$=e$(a(n))
- 230 print"[197]nter letter of most correct answer:":poke198,0
- 240 inputf$
- 250 iflen(f$)<>1thenprint"[197]nter one letter only":goto240
- 260 ifasc(f$)<65orasc(f$)>68thenprint"[193]nswer must be [193],[194],[195], or [196]":goto240
- 270 ifasc(f$)=asc(s$)thenp=p+1
- 280 ifasc(f$)=asc(s$)thenprintspc(9)" [193]nswer is correct!! ":gosub1030
- 290 ifasc(f$)<>asc(s$)then:gosub1060:gosub820
- 300 fort=1to4000:next:next
- 310 n=n-1
- 320 s=int(p/n*100+.5):print"[147][217]ou scored ";s;" %"
- 330 ifs>80ands<90thenprint"[211]tudy this section again"
- 340 ifs>90ands<100thenprint"[214]ery good, but more study would help"
- 350 ifs=100thenprint"[197]xcellent!! [208]erfect score!!"
- 360 fort=1to3000:next
- 370 print"[197]nter [210][213][206] to re-start program":poke808,237:end
- 380 rem print justify
- 390 open15,8,15:open3,8,3,"test titles,s,r":print"[144]"
- 400 x=x+1
- 410 input#3,m$(x)
- 420 ifstatusand64then440
- 430 goto400
- 440 close3:poke198,0:a=x:close15:print"[147]":return
- 450 iflen(s$)<40thenprints$:goto510
- 460 x=40:y=1
- 470 x=x-1
- 480 ifasc(mid$(s$,x,y)+chr$(0))<>32then470
- 490 printleft$(s$,x)
- 500 z=len(s$):z=z-x:printright$(s$,z)
- 510 return
- 520 print:printspc(14)"test titles":print:fora=1tox:printa;". ";m$(a):next:return
- 530 rem disable cursor controls
- 540 ifpeek(830)=133then560
- 550 fori=828to977:reada:pokei,a:next
- 560 sys828:return
- 570 data169,000,133,252,169,080
- 580 data133,251,169,164,133,002
- 590 data169,083,141,036,003,169
- 600 data003,141,037,003,096,152
- 610 data072,138,072,165,252,208
- 620 data007,032,116,003,169,000
- 630 data133,253,166,253,189,000
- 640 data002,133,254,198,252,230
- 650 data253,104,170,104,168,165
- 660 data254,096,160,000,132,252
- 670 data165,002,032,210,255,169
- 680 data157,032,210,255,032,228
- 690 data255,240,251,164,252,133
- 700 data254,169,032,032,210,255
- 710 data169,157,032,210,255,165
- 720 data254,201,013,240,043,201
- 730 data020,208,013,192,000,240
- 740 data211,136,169,157,032,210
- 750 data255,076,118,003,041,127
- 760 data201,032,144,196,196,251
- 770 data240,192,165,254,153,000
- 780 data002,032,210,255,169,000
- 790 data133,212,200,076,118,003
- 800 data230,252,153,000,002,169
- 810 data032,032,210,255,096,013
- 820 printspc(10)" [211]orry answer is wrong "
- 830 print"[195]orrect choice is: ";s$:return
- 840 print"[147]":printspc(13)" [209]uiz [205]aster ":poke53272,23
- 850 print" [212]hese tests are multiple choice."
- 860 print"[197]nter the best answer from the choices"
- 870 print"given."
- 880 print" [197]nter the number of the test you "
- 890 print"have been assigned when the program "
- 900 print"calls for it."
- 910 fort=1to6000:next:return
- 920 rem random gen.
- 930 print"[147][215][193][201][212]-- [208]reparing [209]uiz":print"[144]"
- 940 forx=1tol
- 950 a(x)=int(rnd(.)*l)+1
- 960 ifx=1then1000
- 970 fory=1tox-1
- 980 ifa(y)=a(x)then950
- 990 nexty
- 1000 nextx
- 1010 print"":return
- 1020 rem correct answer sound
- 1030 s=54272:pokes,150:pokes+1,100:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,240:pokes+24,15:pokes+4,17
- 1040 fort=0to200:next:pokes+4,0:return
- 1050 rem wrong answer sound
- 1060 s=54272:pokes,150:pokes+1,5:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,240:pokes+24,15:pokes+4,17
- 1070 fort=0to200:next:pokes+4,0:return